Thursday, August 23, 2012

I am blessed to have several circles of friends and co-journeyers who willingly share their successes and challenges. Each time I experience that gift it is a reminder to me that, although we all need times of solitude and reflection, in the big picture we are not meant to walk alone. I cannot imagine my life without these people in it. As a result, whenever I have those moments of feeling lonely and alone I am aware it is a mindset, not a reality, and can then easily recall the last moment of truly being present with a friend. 

It was in a conversation with one such friend, Debra Vey Voda-Hamilton a lawyer and loving, compassionate, mediator in disputes involving animals, that she reminded me that she had listened to my CD series many times and each time was inspired to take those risks I call for, to have a clear vision, and to create the dream of her choice. We were looking at how far we have come and yet realizing we have only just begun. What a gift that is to realize and to have someone who will lovingly laugh with you while encouraging you to go even further. I wish that for all of us.

Debra talked of my clear vision to find a home on the water, in a small town, with a clear sense of belonging while developing new friendships that call me to become even more. She reminded me of my words that the gift, and task, for all of us is to spend the time needed to create a clear vision, to know exactly what it is that we want, and then to be open to receiving it. Clarity, purpose, and openness to what is to come creates an energy of expectation (not hope) and calls us to make ourselves ready to become that self we are wanting to be in that place we want to be. Energetically, we must first embody our next dream; we must raise our vibration to that level, so that it naturally connects to us. Don’t wait for your dream to show up to grow into it, grow first and your dream will find you, the new you!

Here are some pictures of my latest dream.  The first is looking out the living room window- the second is the first view I have each morning as I wake up, and the third is from the front veranda: Water is visible from each room of the home.

 I am now preparing for the next one. I already envision it and am starting to feel it as my own. What's yours?  How does the new energy feel as you envision it?

Thursday, August 9, 2012

New Beginnings

This weekend I am heading to a reunion of friends who at one point, in my high school years, were a huge part of my life. They were a group of friends who all "hung out" together before and after school, on weekends, and so on. Some I have been meeting with these past few months and others I haven't seen since high school.  Through the stories I hear that some have followed the path we expected to follow and are still with the partners they had in the early days, others have divorced and remarried and now have the combined families of many children.

When I look at my life along with theirs I become so aware that we are all called to follow our own journey and many times that journey takes us to places we never would have expected. My life looks, and has looked, nothing like what I had expected when I was 17. What I do know, is that with all the losses that were grieved, and all the glorious blessings that have been lived, I never could have anticipated this journey. Because of the lifestyle I have been blessed with and have chosen, I expect more of the same. For each of us, I pray the losses are few and mild and the blessings are shared with many. (Almost sounds like an Irish prayer now doesn't it? Surprises me, and yet not.)

One mild loss of the moment is that this is my last blog posting from this site. I have a glorious new website and from now on my blogs can be found there at /  Go exploring and see the wonderful site that has been created,while there please do take the chance to sign up for my newsletter as well.

I wonder how many of you have lives that look the way you anticipated. I would love to hear from you. How many knew at a young age that life would be a continuously changing adventure? How many of you expected it to go as it was predicted by your parents? Are you pleased or displeased with the results of your choices?