Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Call to Change and Grow

I am planning a reunion and refresher course for the graduates of my school, a school I loved for almost 19 years.  In the planning and reflection, I realize so clearly that we all go do down so many paths in our journey. Perhaps some we never could have imagined walking however we can become acclimated and then think of that road as home.

Yet amazingly, before we realize it, another path is evolving and we are being led down yet another road. I am aware that for every path I have taken, I thought I would be there for my lifetime and used to resist any call to change mostly because of fear.  However, when I finally consented to the next path I realized I was more alive, more free, and more challenged to grow in ways the old path never would have required and grateful for the chance to live all of who I am meant to be. How many of you have had the same experience? How many of you have come to welcome change as a call to become more – no matter what precipitated the change?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today is Valentine’s Day and I am amazed at the number of single girlfriends who are sending texts wishing me a happy Valentine’s Day.  We all go through those periods of our lives when we look for that special someone to spend time with, to buy the right gift for, and to celebrate romance with. In truth, we all love, or loved, the glory of those days. Most all of us, however, also have those periods in our lives when we are not in a romantic relationship. Perhaps because we are learning to fall in love with ourselves before we venture out again or perhaps because our interests at the moment have changed to our career and taking it where we want it to go or even perhaps we simply want some time alone.

Regardless, research is showing more and more, having love in our life is a necessity if we are to be physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy. The love of friends, the shared laughter, stories, and hopes provide a love that makes life well worth living. My wish for all of you today is that you cherish those in your life who bring you the richness you deserve as you become more and more of who you are meant to be.  Happy Valentine’s Day!